
************Please read the weekly news below for immportant information******************

Friday, April 15, 2016

Weekly News--April 15th

Benson/Cave News
News from the 4th Grade

April 15, 2016

Math News

We have started our last topic on Fractions--Topic 13.  We will be converting fractions into decimals and ordering decimals.  We should be testing on Topic 13 the last week of April.  

We discovered another website this week that will help your child prepare for their standardized tests.  It is:  education galaxy.  Your child can access it through my symbaloo page.  The username for most of them is their first initial and last name.  (ex.  sbenson)  Some had to have a number added if there was another user with the same name.  The students know what their username is.  The password is:  benson  

Don’t forget that you can access your child’s text book at  Their username is their school number id and the password is richland2.   
Zearn username:  student number   Zearn password:  benson
Aleks username:  (ask your child)  Aleks password:  aleksmat

Science News

Next week we will be talking about electricity and even making a little bit of static electricity with balloons.  We took part of our light quiz today and another part will come Monday.  We also reviewed our words through a fun site called “quizlet” and everyone competed in random groups to see who knew their words the best.  We will be using this site a lot over the next few weeks as we start reviewing for the standardized tests.

Language Arts News
On Thursday, we  began reading a biography titled “Laura Ingalls Wilder:  A Pioneer’s Life”.  Students will use a sequence chart to summarize the text and they were given a choice for the type sequence chart.  They could either  create four pictures with captions or complete a nine frame sequence chart.  There will be a test on this story on Wednesday or Thursday.  Students are encouraged to use their reading story when taking a test.  They earn 1 point extra credit on each question if they write the page number by the answer (Unless the question relates to vocabulary) on the test.  Please encourage your child to take advantage of this extra credit opportunity.

Students are also writing in class about their favorite way to travel.  Writing assignments are usually completed as classwork in a writing notebook to show the steps students are taking to complete a writing assignment.
A  new reading log will be given to students on Wednesday.  Please encourage your students to read at least 20 minutes daily and turn in the reading log on time to avoid 5 points deducted from their grade for each day that the reading log is late.

Social Studies News
As we continue to move west in Social Studies, students will learn more about the economy of the north and south, as well as the impact of slavery on deciding whether a new state would be a slave state or free state. We will examine some key events that happened and eventually led up to the beginning of the Civil War such as the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott decision using the textbook, social studies weekly and other resources.  Brainpop will also used for assessment of certain topics.
Student notebooks should be kept up to date with correct information that is written correctly(capitalization, spelling, punctuation).

Fourth Grade News
We are using many computer programs in which the students need to be able to listen to what is said on the videos.  It is critical that each student have a set of working headphones or earbuds so that the computer volume does not disrupt the class.  PLEASE, PLEASE!  We need your child to have headphones or earbuds in class everyday. They have them at the Good Dollar next to the IGA for $2.  

Spring Pictures went home last week.  Please send any unwanted pictures back to school by Friday, April 22nd.  

The next Spirit Day and Spirit Store will be on Friday, April 22nd.

Standardized testing will be starting the first week of May.  SC Ready will be administered May 3, 4, and 5.  SC PASS will be administered May 17-18.  Both of these tests will be completed using chromebooks in class.  More information will come home soon.

Ending Thoughts
You may email us anytime there is a concern.  Click on our name below for a direct link to our email.  

Thanks for sharing your children with us each day!

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