
************Please read the weekly news below for immportant information******************

Friday, August 19, 2016

Weekly News August 19th

Benson/Cave News
News from the 4th Grade

August 19, 2016

Welcome to fourth grade!  This newsletter will be a way for Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Cave to share news happening in the classroom each week.  This newsletter will always be included on our blog and an email will be sent each Friday reminding you that the news is up to date on the blog.  We hope you enjoy reading about all of the happenings in fourth grade!

Math News

This week in math we took some time to get to know one another.  We learned about what fun we had this summer and some fun facts about all of our friends.  We spent a lot of time going over procedures, rules, and learning names.  
Next week we will start our first unit in math--Place Value and Rounding.  On Monday, students will be given a homework packet that will be due on Friday.  They may work on it a little every night until it is complete.  If it is not turned in by Friday, there will be 5 points deducted from their overall nine weeks homework grade.

Science News
This week we talked about the scientific process and conducted a couple of fun experiments.  We learned how to work in groups and cooperate with one another to accomplish a task.  We had a lot of fun and are looking forward to starting our unit on weather next week using our new science textbook.  Our science textbook is a consumable textbook/workbook that we will use everyday in class.  If your child needs to bring this book home, please make sure they come back to school with it everyday.  

Language Arts News
This week we spent time getting to know 4th Grade.  Students decorated the cover of their writing notebook and completed their first writing assignment.  Next week we will start with the first reading story in the Treasures Reading textbook, “My Diary from Here to There.”  Students will define key vocabulary and make inferences about the characters using story clues.  There will be a quiz for the story  later in the week so please check your child’s agenda book each day.  The quiz will be on the story and key vocabulary. Students will be allowed to use the textbook with the quiz when answering comprehension questions.

Social Studies News
This week in Social Studies we reviewed cardinal and intermediate directions.  We have a new social studies textbook that is a consumable/workbook.  Students will need to have their textbook in class every day.  We will begin with Unit 1 Geography next week.

Fourth Grade News
Our first spirit day will be on Friday, August 26th.  We encourage all students to wear their favorite BHE attire.  The PTO will be placing an order for more BHE socks.  All orders must by in August 31st.  The order form can be found at the bottom of this news on the blog or a link is included right here:  Sock  Order Form.  Spirit Wear Order Form.

We would love to have you fill out the Benson/Cave Contact information Google form (click here) so that we have your most current phone numbers and email addresses.

Ending Thoughts
We are very excited for this school year and to be able to teach your child.  You may email us anytime there is a concern.  Click on our name below for a direct link to our email.  

Thanks for sharing your children with us each day!


  1. Awesome. I'm so excited for this school year. I know it's going to be great.

  2. This is a pretty awesome way to communicate. Thank you!


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