Benson/Bodrick News
News from the 4th Grade
October 5, 2018
Math News
This week we focused on place value up to the millions. Students wrote numbers in standard form, word form, and expanded form. We also ordered numbers, compared numbers, and rounded numbers. We will finish topic 3 on Monday, review on Tuesday, and test on Wednesday.
I have placed a calendar in Google Classroom that is a “live” calendar--meaning I can update it and it will show up with updates immediately. I will make sure to update this with the specific date when I know for sure.
All students need at least 5 ALEKS topics each week. If your child forgets their ALEKS username and password, please let me know. It is taped in their math journal, but I can look it up and send it by email to you so you can have it too.
Science News
We worked a lot on the water cycle this week. We created our own models in Google drawings and uploaded them to Seesaw. We are also in the process of describing the water cycle with an image I gave them in Seesaw. If you see these in Seesaw, they may be a work in progress. We will finish them on Monday. We will take a water cycle quiz on Thursday of next week. Don’t forget if you haven’t joined Seesaw, the directions are below. There are different sets for each homeroom.
Ms. Bodrick’s homeroom:
2. Choose your child from the list
3. Create your account
4. Once you’re approved by Shannon Benson, you’ll get access to Seesaw
Mrs. Benson’s homeroom:
2. Choose your child from the list
3. Create your account
4. Once you’re approved by Shannon Benson, you’ll get access to Seesaw
ELA News
Reading logs are assigned every week. Students are expected to read for at least 20 minutes and then respond to their reading using the question bank provided in their binder for fiction and nonfiction books. Your child is only required to answer one question a night on the reading response sheet provided. Please check weekly - if not every night - to make sure that your child is completing this task.
Next week students will focus on responding to text-dependent questions about the text we have read and sequence the story in order to summarize. Your child will also take an assessment - on overall comprehension of the text, vocabulary, and homophones by the end of the week - as we have been working on homophones for the past two weeks. In addition to homophones, we will continue to utilize word parts to help us determine the meaning of unknown words - prefixes, suffixes, and Greek/Latin roots. Students can bring Treasures books home (some may have brought this weekend) to continue working on assignments in Google Classroom or just to reread story in preparation of assessment.
Social Studies News
Next week, we will continue to learn about Native American Cultural Groups of the United States - the Great Basin and the Pacific Northwest and review information about natives of the Eastern Woodlands, Great Plains, and Southwest. Keep in mind, students received (and will continue to receive) hole-punched notes in their binder. These informational pages are studying tools so please ask your child about what they have learned throughout the week and refer them to the sheets in their binder. Full presentations will be put in Google Classroom by the end of next week and all parents will receive an invite to the class page so you can be alerted when new resources have been uploaded. It will be sent via email so be on the lookout - midweek next week.
RAP Questions went home this week on Thursday and were submitted Friday. RAP questions are grade boosters and in order to receive full credit, they should be answered in complete sentences. Students can use any social studies resource to complete this assignment.
Fourth Grade News
Related Arts Schedule for next week
Parent Conferences
If you would like to schedule a conference with Ms. Bodrick and Mrs. Benson, you may go to the link below and schedule it. We look forward to meeting with many of you.
Brattonsville Field Study
We are traveling to Historic Brattonsville on Wednesday, October 17th. Please return permission forms and money no later than Wednesday, October 10th. The cost is $36 per student. We would love to have chaperones. Chaperone cost is also $36. Please let us know if you are interested in chaperoning.
Ending Thoughts
Thank you for sharing your children with us! Please feel free to email us with any questions. Click on our name below for a direct link to our email.
Thanks for sharing your children with us each day!
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