
************Please read the weekly news below for immportant information******************

Friday, November 9, 2018

Weekly News--November 9th

Benson/Bodrick News
News from the 4th Grade
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November 9, 2018

Math News

This week we took the topic 5 test and moved onto a unit on measurement conversions.  We will be converting metric and customary units of weight, length, and capacity. Students are encouraged to keep their classwork papers together in their folder so they may have these to study with for the next test.  We will take a test on measurement conversions the Tuesday before Thanksgiving break so that we can come back after Thanksgiving and begin a new unit on multiplying.

Please  have your students complete at least 5 ALEKS topics each week.  I am allowing them to get a maximum of 10 bonus points each week.  This means that they can do 15 topics a week and receive their 5 points for a 100% and then 10 points for extra credit.  

Science News

Now that one nine weeks is under our belt, I’m hoping that students understand the requirements for their journals.  We will continue with our interactive journals and students will need to make sure they are keeping up to date. I always give time in class to work on these activities.  If students do not finish, it is their responsibility to take the journal home and finish. Last nine weeks, many students did not finish work and therefore their journal grades were not what they could have been.  I gave students a grading sheet the Wednesday and Thursday before the weekend so that they knew what would be required. This was in their google classroom. I will continue to keep the table of contents updated in google classroom throughout the next unit also.

We began our space unit this week.  We have been researching the planets in small groups.  Groups were to have their slide ready for presentation by the end of class today.  We will present on Monday and take a planet walk shortly after so that students can see the relative distance between the planets.  The class Google slide show will be posted in Seesaw and on the blog when they are complete.

We will also start a Moon log on Wednesday of next week.  Students will be required to observe the moon each night for 28 days so that they may see the moon make one complete cycle.  I will provide a website that has a calendar in case you don’t get a chance to see the moon so that students can still record their observations.

ELA News

Reading logs are assigned every week. Students are expected to read for at least 20 minutes and then respond to their reading using the question bank provided in their binder for fiction and nonfiction books. Your child is only required to answer one question a night on the reading response sheet provided. Please check weekly - if not every night - to make sure that your child is completing this task.  I will now be grading the logs based on the actual quality of the responses. Students will still receive a grade of 100 at the beginning of the quarter - but I will take off 1 point for every day that is not completed thoroughly. If the log is not submitted on Friday, students will lose 5 points from overall grade. If you have any further questions about the reading log, please do not hesitate to email or send a message via Class Dojo.

Next week, we will continue to focus our attention on Theme and Folktales as students continue to read literature and write their own fables. The theme is the lesson or message that the writer wants to get across in his or her story that can be applied to our everyday life - we call it THE MEssage (think about how it can be applied to me). As a class, we will read one of my favorites to do with students - “The Fisherman and His Wife” (they love this story). Students will also take an assessment on “Ranita, The Frog Princess” which will also include questions about plurals (students have a plurals rule chart in binders).

Social Studies News
Beginning last week students began learning about the reasons for exploration. Social Studies indicator 4-1.3 says that students will need to be able to explain the political, economic, and technological factors that led to the exploration of the new world by Spain, Portugal, France, the Netherlands, and England, including the competition between nations, the expansion of international trade, and the technological advances in shipbuilding and navigation. Students labeled on a map the named countries in Europe (hence the reason why it was and still is important for them to know where their continents are) and have in their Social Studies Journal.

Next week, students will begin working on European Explorer Research Projects. The actual document with the expectations will be sent home with students on Monday - as well as emailed to all parents. Students will choose one explorer to research and will complete presentation in Sutori (a highly versatile web program centered on project-based learning that allows students to create interactive presentations to share content and stories. Each student can easily login with Gmail accounts). The indicator this project will address is 4-1.4: Summarize the accomplishments of the Vikings and the Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French explorers, including Leif Eriksson, Columbus, Hernando de Soto, Magellan, Henry Hudson, John Cabot, and La Salle. (Explorers students can choose from listed in indicator).

  • My suggestion would be to go and find books from public library on the explorer of choice! Some books will be available from school library but not everyone will have access to them as there will only be a limited amount. Class will go to the library together as a whole on Tuesday, November 13th to learn about researching and accessing material that is appropriate/credible.

Fourth Grade News

Related Arts Schedule for next week


Food Drive
Carolina vs. Clemson Canned Food Drive began Monday, November 5 and will run until Friday, November 16th. Collected items will be donated to our food pantry and the Christian Assistance Bridge at Trinity Church to help families in the Blythewood community. Other items that can be sent in besides food/non perishable items include: shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes.

Collect coins to bring in to add to our grade level container! Pennies and dollar bills add points for grade level. Silver coins can be added to other grade level containers to take away points! The grade level with the most points will win a pizza party.  Money collected will go right back to the school to help families in need. Thanks :)

Ending Thoughts
Thank you for sharing your children with us!  Please feel free to email us with any questions.  Click on our name below for a direct link to our email.  

Thanks for sharing your children with us each day!

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