Benson/Bodrick News
News from the 4th Grade
January 18, 2019
Math News
This week we started our division unit. We started small with estimating quotients. For example, instead of 5,679 ÷ 9, we changed it to 5,400 ÷ 9 and our answer was 600. We also discussed what a remainder was and did simple problems like 49 ÷ 8 = 6 r 1. Next week we will learn some long division strategies including traditional, the box method, and partial products.
As a reminder, I have asked students to focus on stations 1-6 for now and we will work on the last 4 next week. I have changed the due date on these due to our 4 day week next week. These booklets will be due on Monday, January 28th. Please check your child’s booklet and make sure they are working on them to avoid last minute work. They should have 1-6 done by Tuesday.
Please continue to encourage your child to complete their ALEKS topics each week. This is a great way to get up to 10 extra credit points each week.
Science News
We finished our Astronomy unit this week. Unit test grades have been posted in PowerSchool and the science journal grades will be in very soon. There is a total lunar eclipse this Sunday night. I sent home papers today with details about this amazing event. With us being out of school on Monday, I hope that you might be able to stay up with your child and view the moon and see its glory during this eclipse.
I look forward to our new unit that we will start next week. We will be learning about Organisms and their environments. We will plant some seeds and watch them grow. We will also get ready to hatch some chicken eggs so that we can talk about the life cycle of a chicken. If any of you have chickens that lay fertilized eggs and would like to donate some eggs to our classroom and some of the kindergarten classrooms, please let me know. We would return them to you after they are hatched.
ELA News
Reading logs are assigned every week - next week will be the final week of logs for the 2nd Nine Weeks. Students are expected to read for at least 20 minutes and then respond to their reading using the question bank provided in their binder for fiction and nonfiction books. Your child is only required to answer one question a night on the reading response sheet provided. Please check weekly - if not every night - to make sure that your child is completing this task.
Next week we will start the new quarter with a shift to nonfiction/informational text. We will begin by talking about the difference between literary and informational texts and students will learn (review really from previous grade) about informational text and graphic features found in informational text that is critical to a readers’ overall understanding of the topic.
Greek/Latin Roots will continue next week with Week 2. Each week (or two) students will get a list of 15 roots. We will discuss the meanings and students will be exposed to new vocabulary through a number of activities done both in class and at home. At the end of the week, there will be a test. Because we will be out on Monday, students will receive list Tuesday and test on the following Monday, January 28th.
This week’s assessment has been returned to students. Please ask them about assessment so you can review it as well. All assessments are formatted the same way so your child now knows what to expect each time they test. ***All words on assessment were introduced to students between 1/7/19 and 1/14/19. Students defined vocabulary words while I was out.
Social Studies News
Next week we will continue our studies about Early Settlements and Colonization in the New World, but place greater focus on the 13 English colonies. My homeroom already has the notepages on the three regions (New England, Middle and Southern colonies) so they can go ahead and start reading over. We will compare the three regions by Wednesday and begin talking about the introduction of slavery in the southern colonies and The Triangular Trade on Thursday.
Indicator addressed: 4-2.3: Explain the impact of the triangular trade, indentured servitude, and the enslaved and free Africans on the developing culture and economy of North American.
Fourth Grade News
Spaghetti Dinner
The Ed. Foundation is having a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser on Friday, January 25th. Flyers were sent home before the break(they were on golden paper). Pre-order your tickets by January 18th using the order form on the flyer. The dinner is delicious!
Field Trip
Fourth grade is going on a field trip to the Koger Center on February 8th to see “Freedom Train”.. We will be leaving school about 10:30 am and returning around 1:00pm. We will eat lunch in our classrooms when we return. Permission forms went home last week. Please fill out and return the form and payment no later than Friday, February 1st. You can pay online for this trip. It is $14 per student. If you would like to chaperone, there are two options. Option 1 is $15 and it includes a ticket and your bus ride there. Option 2 is $9 and it is just the ticket--you would need to meet us at the Koger Center. If you want to pay a chaperone fee online, you’ll need to talk to Mrs. Metts in the office and she can add it to your account so that you can pay online. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
PTO Family BINGO night will be held on Friday, January 25th at 6pm in the cafeteria. It is free for BHE families. Please go online at: and register if you would like to attend.
Ending Thoughts
Thank you for sharing your children with us! Please feel free to email us with any questions. Click on our name below for a direct link to our email.
Thanks for sharing your children with us each day!
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