Benson/Bodrick News
News from the 4th Grade
January 11, 2019
Math News
We reviewed multi-digit multiplication and took our unit test this week. Students did quite well on this test and scores should be posted by the end of the day. We also started work on a MAP skills program that our class is helping pilot. It takes the student MAP scores from the fall and gives skills assignments to work on based on what will help their MAP scores improve. It is individualized so that students are working on their own level. We will mix this program into our schedule and complete during classwork. As we work through this, students may even be allowed to work on this at home in place of something else. As we learn more about this program, I will update you on what requirements students will be asked to complete.
We will begin our division unit next week and work through topics 9 and 10 in our textbook. Math Stations booklets were given out on Monday. I have asked students to focus on stations 1-6 for now and we will work on the last 4 after we have started working on division. These will be due on January 25th. Please check your child’s booklet and make sure they are working on them to avoid last minute work. They should have at least 3 stations done by Monday.
Please continue to encourage your child to complete their ALEKS topics each week. This is a great way to get up to 10 extra credit points each week.
Science News
We have been talking about constellations this week. The constellations students need to know about are: Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Orion, Hercules, Leo, and Pegasus. Ask your child to tell you the legends of these constellations. They should also be able to tell you which season you can see them.
We will start reviewing on Monday. Study guides will be given out and students will complete them to help prepare for the test. We will have our final astronomy test on Thursday. It will be a computer test and students will know their grades immediately upon completion. Their science journals will also be due on Thursday. I have included the requirements and rubric for this notebook below so that you can see what needs to be worked on before the test. Students can also use their journals to study next week in preparation for the test.
ELA News
Reading logs are assigned every week - next week will be the final week of logs for the 2nd Nine Weeks. Students are expected to read for at least 20 minutes and then respond to their reading using the question bank provided in their binder for fiction and nonfiction books. Your child is only required to answer one question a night on the reading response sheet provided. Please check weekly - if not every night - to make sure that your child is completing this task.
READING/WRITING - Text Dependent Analysis
Over the past couple weeks, students have been reading and working on their text-dependent analysis for “The Fisherman and His Wife” by the Brothers Grimm (yet another story they thoroughly loved). When students returned this week, they worked to finish composing their essays that answered the focus question “Why does the sea change colors throughout the story?” However, because I was out, I was not able to do student/teacher writing conferences to make sure they actually have a clear introduction, body (or development as it is referred to on the SC Ready Writing rubric), and conclusion. Next week Monday and Tuesday, students will have the chance to meet with me as I will read their “final drafts” over the weekend and provide feedback. Once they are done with their essay, they will indeed have the chance to do some watercolor paintings where they paint what they see the sea as - just as it is described in the text!
This week students were also introduced to new Greek/Latin Roots. Each week (or two) students will get a list of 15 roots. We will discuss the meanings and students will be exposed to new vocabulary. At the end of the week, there will be a test. However, because I was out this week and I wanted to do some other things with some of the roots on the week one list, the test has been postponed to Wednesday of next week.
Social Studies News
In the coming weeks, we will learn about Early Settlements and Colonization in the New World. Parents please refer to the parent study guide you were given and even have your child review Social Studies content covered thus far. This week we learned about early European settlements (Spanish, French, English and Dutch). Next week our focus will be on the 13 English colonies. Students have a chart in their binder they need to be studying over the weekend/up until an assessment.
Fourth Grade News
Related Arts Schedule for the week of January 7th
Spaghetti Dinner
The Ed. Foundation is having a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser on Friday, January 25th. Flyers were sent home before the break(they were on golden paper). Pre-order your tickets by January 18th using the order form on the flyer. The dinner is delicious!
Class pictures will be on Wednesday, January 16th. Order forms were sent home today. You must pre-order this picture--the cost is $12. Please send in the envelope by Wednesday if you want to order a picture.
Field Trip
Fourth grade is going on a field trip to the Koger Center on February 8th to see “Freedom Train”.. We will be leaving school about 10:30 am and returning around 1:00pm. We will eat lunch in our classrooms when we return. Permission forms went home this week. Please fill out and return the form and payment no later than Friday, February 1st. You can pay online for this trip. It is $14 per student. If you would like to chaperone, there are two options. Option 1 is $15 and it includes a ticket and your bus ride there. Option 2 is $9 and it is just the ticket--you would need to meet us at the Koger Center. If you want to pay a chaperone fee online, you’ll need to talk to Mrs. Metts in the office and she can add it to your account so that you can pay online. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
PTO Bingo Night
PTO Bingo night flyers went home today. This will be held on Friday, January 25th at 6pm in the cafeteria. It is free for BHE families. Please go online at: and register if you would like to attend.
Ending Thoughts
Thank you for sharing your children with us! Please feel free to email us with any questions. Click on our name below for a direct link to our email.
Thanks for sharing your children with us each day!
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